Learn Ruby The Hard Way - 3 Apr 11, 2017 Files 一些基本方法 Ruby中文件操作相关的方法都在File里面,具体如下 open - 打开文件 close - 关闭文件 read - 读取文件内容 readline - 读取文件中一行 truncate - 截短文件(默认是清空) write - 写入文件 filename = ARGV.first script = $0 puts "We're going to erase #{filename}." puts "If you don't want that, hit CTRL-C (^C)." puts "If you do want that, hit RETURN." print "? " STDIN.gets puts "Opening the file..." target = File.open(filename, 'w') puts "Truncating the file. Goodbye!" target.truncate(target.size) puts "Now I'm going to ask you for three lines." print "line 1: "; line1 = STDIN.gets.chomp() print "line 2: "; line2 = STDIN.gets.chomp() print "line 3: "; line3 = STDIN.gets.chomp() puts "I'm going to write these to the file." target.write(line1) target.write("\n") target.write(line2) target.write("\n") target.write(line3) target.write("\n") puts "And finally, we close it." target.close() 更多的方法 exists? - 文件是否存在 zero? - 是否是个空文件 from_file, to_file = ARGV script = $0 puts "Copying from #{from_file} to #{to_file}" # we could do these two on one line too, how? input = File.open(from_file) indata = input.read() puts "The input file is #{indata.length} bytes long" puts "Does the output file exist? #{File.exists? to_file}" puts "Ready, hit RETURN to continue, CTRL-C to abort." STDIN.gets output = File.open(to_file, 'w') output.write(indata) puts "Alright, all done." output.close() input.close()